Friday, February 17, 2012

Sour Kraut

In the first 4 minutes of viewing porno, I become hazy with horniness. I begin to believe that I won’t be able to take another breath if I don’t commence to sexin’. By minute 5, I am blasé; it is just in & out & in & out, pink, pink, pink… The only pornographic film I ever spent any considerable time with was a very filthy German prison film- Brutalen Deutschen gefangenen und wachen mit riesigen unbeschnittenen männliches Geschlechtsorgan  rund um Stephen's gesicht. This one actually held me at full attention for a full 20 minutes.

After a lifetime of fearing the Teutonic influences, I have developed an interest in German art & design. I guess the passing of 67 years is long enough to relax about being invaded, unless it is by a prison guard.

Friedrich Alfred Krupp was the heir to the 300 year old Krupp empire, makers of steel & weapons of war, taking over the family firm when he was just 33 years old. He was a skilled businessman, though unlike his father, he was a kind man & a philanthropist. Krupp was a master of the subtle sell & cultivated a close rapport with Kaiser Wilhelm II. Under his management, the firm's business blossomed further & further afield, spreading across the globe. He focused on arms manufacturing.

Krupp authorized many new products that would do much to change history. In 1890 Krupp developed nickel steel, which was hard enough to allow thin battleship armor & a new cannon using Alfred Nobel’s improved gunpowder. In 1892, Krupp bought Gruson in a hostile takeover. It became Krupp-Panzer, manufacturer of armor plate. In 1893 Rudolf Diesel brought his new engine to Krupp to construct. In 1896 Krupp bought Germaniawerft, which became Germany’s main warship maker, & built the first German U-Boat in 1906.

In 1887, despite marrying & having 2 daughters, Kruppp had a love affair with Italian island of Capri, indulging in his true passions- marine biology & men. When he would return to Germany, he brought back young Italian men to work at a luxury hotel in Berlin, where Krupp would be guest, so as to indulge in their services. By 1900 his company was the largest in Europe & Krupp was able to exercise enormous power & he felt no need to yield to society’s scrutiny of his personal life.

This took a toll on his wife who needed to be admitted to an asylum. The press grabbed on to the story in the same manner that they would today. An Italian newspaper was at the ready to reveal the exploits of his famous Capri orgies, in a story including photographs. Germany’s Social Democrats’ mouthpiece-Vorwärts, scooped the story & in 1902 they outed Krupp. A week later he committed suicide.

Germany’s Kaiser Wilhelm II took the Social Democrats to task, defending Krupp against the stories he dubbed- “slander”. The wife miraculously recovered &she raised daughters, who inherited the company. Krupps would go on to a powerful tool for the Nazi regime.  Hitler: "In our eyes, the German boy of the future must be slim & slender, as fast as a greyhound, tough as leather & hard as Krupp steel" (der deutsche Junge der Zukunft muß schlank und rank sein, flink wie Windhunde, zäh wie Leder und hart wie Kruppstahl.)”

Krupp continues to manufacture weapons & steel in the 21stcentury as Thyssen-Krupp AG. A rumor on the Internet claims that many of the male steel workers dabble in performers in Gay German Prison Porn.

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