Saturday, February 18, 2012

Boy Genius Moshe Kai Cavalin Set To Graduate From UCLA At Age 14

Boy Genius | Photo: Facebook
Boy genius Moshe Kai Cavalin is now getting ready for his graduation at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) this year, completing a mathematics degree.

The boy genius, who enrolled at East Los Angeles Community College at age 8, has already earned his first of two Associate of Arts degrees at 9 - graduating with a perfect 4.0 grade point average.

"People need to know you don't really need to be a genius. You just have to work hard and you can accomplish anything," says Moshe.

After graduating from UCLA, the talented teenager plans to enroll in graduate school with hopes of eventually earning a document.

The wunderkind has also just published an English edition of his first book, "We Can Do."

The 100-page instructional book explains how other young people can accomplish what Moshe did through such simple acts as keeping themselves focused and approaching everything with total commitment.

"I was able to reach the stars, but others can reach the `Milky Way," he tells readers.

It reportedly took four years for him to finish the book because his Chinese mother decided to publish it in Mandarin and doing the translation himself was laborious.

Boy genius's book is now available on Amazon and BarnesandNoble.

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