Tuesday, February 28, 2012

No "Maybe"s...

Dear Friends,

Firstly, we would like to apologize for the lack of communication over these past few months; as one wag chided us in an e-mail, "Here at Stirred, Straight Up, it is permanently Paulette Goddard!"

Secondly, we want to reassure everyone that we are alive and well. Our intention was never to arouse concern, and we are deeply grateful for the private e-mails we've received, as well as the public inquiries.

Finally, SSUWAT will, indeed, return. It's been a longer process than anticipated, but we love it -- and you -- far too much to let it fade away. The world is bereft of glamour, it would seem, and if our mission is less lofty than curing disease and abolishing war, we still endeavor to celebrate that bygone magic and mystique -- of Paulette Goddard, 1962, and everyone and everything else we cherish and hold dear.

Above all, we cherish and hold dear the friends we've made through this medium. Individually and collectively, you are the reason we are impatient and anxious to return.


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