Monday, February 20, 2012

Straight, But Not Narrow... Adam Levine

I have been catching The Voice, & I am rather impressed. Gone is the audience laughing & applauding at someone’s humiliation, the homophobic banter & the over-singing by desperate young people that are the very opposite of an American Idol. I feel good about finalist being mentored by the judges. I don’t think I will stay with it, have too many shows saved in the DVR.

But, I am intrigued by Adam Levine. For a guy who is painted as a douchy player, he seems to me to have a good heart & a very hot body. A nice combination.

Levine: "I'm extremely comfortable in my sexuality, so I can think, 'Oh, that's a good-looking dude. Acknowledging that someone's attractive & wanting to f--k a dude are two different things."

"There's no way to hide my straightness, but if people didn't think there was a small chance I was gay, then I wouldn't be doing my job very well. Look at the best ones, guys whose sexuality was always questioned: Bowie. Jagger. Freddie Mercury. I wouldn't be the front man of a band if that question hadn't come up at some point."

"I can single-handedly dispel any ideas that sexuality is acquired. Trust me, you're born with it. My brother is gay, & we knew when he was 2. We all knew. When my brother came out, my family all really wanted to provide some cushion for him & constantly let him know that it's OK. A lot of people don't want their kid to be gay & will fight it at all costs. But I've got news for you… it's a losing fucking battle. The more you fight it, the more fucked-up your kid's gonna be. You've just got to embrace it from the beginning. That's the only way to deal with it as a family."

Levine, of course, dates a model, Victoria's Secret's- Anne Vyalitsyna. He is proud of The Voice for featuring performers who are openly gay,  2 of whom made it to last season’s finale.

Levine: "What's always pissed me off about American Idol is wanting to mask that, for that to go unspoken. C'mon. You can't be publicly gay? At this point? On a singing competition? Give me a break. You can't hide basic components of these people's lives. The fact that The Voice didn't have any qualms about being completely open about it is a great thing."

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