Thursday, March 1, 2012

Taylor Kitsch tells NAIA experience to David Letterman (Video and Transcript)

Taylor Kitsch, who played the role of Gambit in "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" and best known for his role as Tim Riggins in the NBC's "Friday Night Lights," related to David Letterman his NAIA (Ninoy Aquino International Airport) experience where he was stopped by a customs officer.

Check out the video and transcript of Kitsch's interview below, which was aired on US late-night talk show "Late Show With David Letterman:"

Letterman: "You're promoting that movie and at the same time you are making a movie in the Philippines - another movie. So you're gonna be flying back and forth. And that's a tremendously long flight, isn't it?"

Kitsch: "It really is. It messes with you. They are 15-hour ahead. There's a good a little moment when I had the visa to work there to film an Oliver Stone film called the "Savages" with Travolta, Benicio del Toro, Uma Thurman, Salma Hayek...

"So I get through to customs. I'm in the backroom and he said, you're going back to Japan... He said 'There's not enough pages. You're out of pages, so I can't stamp it. You're gone.' I'm like, I can work here, I've got the visa. He didn't believe I was an actor So I'm literally pitching myself to this guy, saying 'No, I'm an actor... I've done some things' And he's like 'Okay, what?'... Well, I'm here to work, finish Oliver Stone's movies with John Travolta in it... And he's like 'Where's Travolta?'... And I'm like 'He's not here.'

"Their computers are not working. So I told him,'you gotta look me up, I can show you something to prove (that I'm an actor) and he said 'You are on the next flight to Japan,' reminding me again. And then I'm looking on my iPhone because their computers weren't working. And he's like 'hey can you get me one of those?' And I'm like 'can you let me in and I will give you one of these.' And he still not believing (me).

"Finally I show him the trailer of John Carter on the iPhone and he stopped and he's like 'oh my God what's that?' And it's a great white apes that seen there that's in the trailer. And he’s like, ‘That’s not you.’ I’m like, ‘What?’ He’s like, ‘You have short hair.’ And I’m like, ‘Mate, I cut it. It grows. It’s me.' So, then finally he's like 'I love trailer, go ahead. You are in.' So, John Carter got me through customs." - NoypiStuff

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