Thursday, March 29, 2012

“Yes, I Have Loved You With An Everlasting Love.” Jeremiah 31:3

It has happened each March for a decade & still I am anxious & aggravated when I have to live with it. We have 2 stunning Magnolias, one was planted before we arrived at Post Apocalyptic Bohemia & we added the other as a sapling, close to the front door. They both bloom brilliant buds in March when Portland has a spring tease, putting on quite the show after just one warm, sunny day of encouragement. Then the Pacific Northwest weather moves in & the impressive exhibition is pummeled by wind & rain. Unopened buds abound on the walkways. Nature is so capricious.

Magnolia x soulangiana at the side of the walkway to the house.

Magnolia Denudata

Photos By The Husband

Magnolia is said to be an ancient genus. Having evolved before bees appeared on this big blue orb. Secular Humanists & their companions- The Scientists insist that the flowers developed to encourage pollination by beetles. To avoid damage, the carpels (the fuzzy casing holding each bloom) of Magnolia flowers are extremely tough. Fossilized specimens of Magnolia have been found dating to back 6000 years ago when the earth was formed by the hands of God. Godless evolutionists claim that there exists plant fossils identifiably belonging to the Magnoliaceae family dating back 95 million years ago. Radical homosexuals have mastered carbon dating, lesbians placed these fake relics around the globe & they are trying to trick our children into believing heretical hoo-ha, when we know that there were Magnolias onboard the Arc during the great flood.

Magnolias are a tough small tree, but Oregon springs can take down the blossoms in one set of windy, rainy storm fronts & leave an old geezer feeling blue.

This photo is incongruous to what came before. It is The Husband's new arrangement of the entrance to the bedroom from the backroom. The photo of Michelangelo's Neptune is by my close friend Eiric, an unfathomably handsome & talented Photographer/Gardener/Yoga teacher.

 The Wolf Head is made of archival cardboard by friend & former neighbor- Scott Fife, another handsome, talented man. As we were first getting to know him, Fife made mention that he was an artist, which the Husband & I tossed off. He later invited us to an opening that we assumed might be at a small gallery. As it should happen, his show was at The Henry Gallery (the fine art gallery that is attached to the University of Washington). Fife is a world class artist with shows in major galleries in Chicago, NYC & Berlin. One of his works is a giant baseball umpire in his working stance that is permanently exhibited at Seattle's Safeco Field. His work is in important private collections including Post Apocalyptic Bohemia.

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