Sunday, March 4, 2012

Taylor Kitsch should correct his mistake - Malacañang

Taylor Kitsch as John Carter
Taylor Kitsch and the "Late Show with David Letterman" should correct the actor's airport delay tale he told the show recently, the Malacañang said Sunday.

On the "Late Show with David Letterman" last Wednesday, the "John Carter" star said a customs officer stopped him at the airport and ordered him back to Japan because his passport didn't have enough pages to stamp his arrival. He said he was finishing the shoot of Oliver Stone's "Savages" in the Philippines.

Kitsch added that while he was trying to prove that he is an actor, the official asked for an iPhone unit from him, too.

"Their computers are not working. So I told him,'you gotta look me up, I can show you something to prove (that I'm an actor) and he said 'You are on the next flight to Japan,' reminding me again. And then I'm looking on my iPhone because their computers weren't working. And he's like 'hey can you get me one of those?' And I'm like 'can you let me in and I will give you one of these.'" Kitsch said.

After conducting an investigation, Bureau of Customs commissioner Ruffy Biazon concluded that Kitsch "was mistaken in saying that his bad experience during his travel was in the Philippines." Biazon said there were no documents to support that the Canadian actor arrived in the country and that his officers do not stamp passports. He also found out that "Savages" is shooting in Indonesia not in the Philippines.

"Unfortunately, the damage was done. People immediately reacted negatively to the BOC without giving the benefit of an inquiry into the basis of what the foreign actor was saying," the commissioner wrote on his blog. "Perhaps it is due to the incidents in the past that have plagued the agency. Perhaps people have heard too many horror stories from passengers passing through our airports."

Watch Taylor Kitsch's interview here:

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