Monday, March 5, 2012

'Kony 2012' by Invisible Children (Viral Video)

"Kony 2012," a documentary film, has gone viral online.

The 29-minute video is also a campaign that aims to raise awareness about Joseph Kony, a Ugandan guerrilla group leader, in an effort to expedite his arrest.

To quote the Invisible Children, organization behind the campaign: "Kony 2012 is a film and campaign by Invisible Children that aims to make Joseph Kony famous, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice."

Check out the said short film below:

Kony's group, the Lord's Resistance Army, has reportedly abducted more than 30,000 children in Uganda to fight for them and displaced over 2,000,000 people since its rebellion began in 1986.

Indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court, Kony has terrorized villagers in at least four countries in central Africa for nearly 20 years, killing tens of thousands of people, burning down huts and hacking off lips. He is also accused of brainwashing countless children across northern Uganda, turning the girls into se-x slaves and the boys into prepubescent killers.

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