Monday, March 19, 2012

Teemu Rajamäki quits Uniklubi

Uniklubi promo photo for their last album, 'Kultakalat'. From left to right: Pasi Viitala, Teemu Rajamäki, Jussi Selo, Janne Selo and Antti Mattikainen   © Uniklubi, 2010
Teemu Rajamäki has decided to leave Uniklubi. The bass player published an announcement on the official Uniklubi website. The message, in Finnish, says that after much deliberation he has decided to leave the band, that it'll always be a part of him and that he's thankful for the experiences. Moreover, he thanks the technicians and the Uniklubi fans. What Uniklubi will do now that their bass player has left is unclear.

As for Teemu's future, we won't have to miss him, since he'll continue work with Jupiter. The line up for that band consists of Teemu as lead singer and guitar player, Bloodpit's Paavo Pekkonen on guitar, Negative's Antti Anatomia on bass and Uniklubi's Antti Mattikainen on drums. Jupiter's first album should be released in the very near future. Here's a taste of what their music sounds like. 

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