Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Morning Conversation At Post Apocalyptic Bohemia

The Husband: “I was working on a Conceptual Art piece right here in the house, but I thought maybe it would make you angry so I scrapped it”

Stephen:I can’t imagine that… you are allowed to do whatever you wish in the house & I love watching the process. I was fully supportive of the Grotto in the Hallway, even if it never got farther than a hole in the wall that we lived with for 3 years. What is this piece of art? Really, tell me!”

The Husband: “I was going to see what the result would be of my not picking-up the socks on your side of the bed. I imagined it would be provocative piece & an experience for the senses… but then, we ran out of socks & I had to do laundry.”

Stephen: “Hey... I get up at 4am & I am not thinking of picking up socks, & I make the bed sometimes & I noticed that you do not pick-up your socks on your side of the bed.

The Husband: “That would be just one pair of socks. Not like your side. One pair, yet to be scooped up is laundry. Steve’s Selection of Sordid Socks is art.

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