Saturday, March 17, 2012

OBSCENE Golden Retriever Cuteness and a Caption Contest. *dancy dancy*

Okay so that photo a day thing clearly didn't work out.

I got my heart broken.

Oliver-The-Dog had to find a new family sans little kids.  He was "attacky" with other people's children.  Bitey in the neck area of toddlers-ish.  So.  He went to find a new home.  It just pretty much sucked.

I wasn't supposed to be a dog person.  I have been fervently on team cat forever.  Oliver changed that with his stupid sleeping on my feet and sneaking onto the couch and being underweight at first and looking pathetic when I made bacon.  So I guess that was his purpose.. to change me into a pain in the arse dog person who's all "Cats are boring".

Well they are.  That's why cat people LIKE cats.  They are boring.

Stupid fun dogs.

So anyway, today we picked up Sunny from a really great breeder.  Sunny is a golden retriever.  Sunny had a busy day.  I'm probably going to blog about Sunny more than a cool person like me should be comfortable doing.  




*chews through fists and wells up*
AW!  We are so exciteeed! SQUEEEEE!!!

The cat, however?  Is somewhat less thrilled.

So... I think that you should caption the following photo- because Readers?  It must be caption contested.  It must be caption contested sooooo hard.  And the prize?  I will personally draw YOU;  my reader.  That's a free awesome prize for a photo caption contest!!!!!  ME!  DRAWING YOU!  WITH MY DRAWING PROGRAM!!!!11!  Good prize, eh?    So here is the photo of my idiot manwhore cat reacting to the new puppy.. AND GO:

"words" ~Michelle's Reader

Results will be posted.. um... in a few days?  Sound  Good?  Ok.   Go.  And don't forget to link me up to your blog.  Oh yeah and there is a limit of... letsay...  5 entries unless you are really funny and need to make more.

K go.

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