Monday, March 5, 2012

Mayon Volcano still at Alert Level 1

Mayon Volcano | Photo: Camperspoint
Mayon Volcano remains at Alert Level 1, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said Tuesday.

Although the volcano which is renowned for its "perfect cone" is not expected to erupt soon, the institute warns the public to refrain from entering the 6-kilometer radius Permanent Danger Zone (PDZ) due to the threat of sudden steam-driven eruptions and rockfalls from the upper and middle slopes of the volcano.

Active stream/river channels and those identified as perenially lahar prone areas on all sectors of the volcano should also be avoided especially during bad weather condition or when there is heavy and prolonged rainfall, it added.

Mayon Volcano is an active volcano in the province of Albay. It is the most active volcano in the Philippines having erupted over 48 times in the past 400 years. -NoypiStuff

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