Monday, September 21, 2009

Emmy Awards Wrap Up

I don't actually care who won, because all I care about is Neil Patrick Harris. I am so in love with NPH. After seeing how he brilliantly handled the Tony Awards, I see no reason why he should not be handed the hosting of the Oscars. Cute, sexy, super talented- his opening musical number was amazing, including a long patter song list of the networks that I can't imagine anyone else being able to deliver. My favorite lyric: "Joan (Christina Hendricks) of "Mad Men" could "turn a gay man straight; oh, wait, there's Jon Hamm". I think NPH can do more for gay rights than any speech or any march on Washington DC. Who could resist this man?

I wanted the host to win for Best Supporting Actor, but Jon Cryer's acceptance speech was just what award shows need, less lists of "thank you"s & more "funny", as he jokes that he used to think shiny awards were a shallow measure of popularity, "but now I realize, they are the only true measure of a person's real worth as a human being."

I love Mad Men & 30 Rock, so I was happy with their unsurprising wins. It was weird to have the talented Toni Collette win over the always winning Tina Fey. I loved that tiny Kristin Chenoweth (a fave of the Husband & me) won for Pushing Daises, (which had been canceled). Chenoweth, fighting back tears, announced that she was unemployed "& I would like to be on Mad Men. I also like The Office and 24."
Adorable. But again, I am in love with Neil Patrick Harris. Have his people call my people, please

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