Sunday, April 11, 2010

There's Always Room For Improvement... It's The Biggest Room In The House.

My medical situation improves somewhat; after Friday’s blood draw, I receive a call from my physician that there is progress & I can now go from 2 injections (administered by the Husband) to just 1 a day. In celebration, I make the bad medical judgment, but a superior emotional move, & skip a day of shots. I rationalized that I had just had 2, so it evens out to 1 a day. Bad I know, yet lovely to go a day without a visit from the little prick, as the Husband refers to the needle & syringe. I have 22 dime sized black/blue circles on my torso from each injection. I am so shallow, all I can think is- “thank you God for not having this happen during nude beach season!”

This is where the magic happens.

You can click on the image to enlarge & get a better look at the sunbathing terrier.
Today is a beautiful, warm spring day in Portland. Larry the Canine has found a nice place on the hot tub deck, which is reached through French doors off the bedroom. Larry & the Husband are both true sun bunnies & can often be found in this spot.

Junior also has found a spot in the warm sun.

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