Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Going Old School

I'm sitting here at work and just had this urge to listen to some old school and brilliant rock from way back when.

Some of my favourite old school bands include Def Leppard, Van Halen, Bon Jovi, Journey and Giant.

I remember going to the Bon Jovi concert at the Olympic Stadium in Joburg CBD with my brother and my cousins in 1995 I think, somewhere there, and it was awesome although I had to sit on my brother's shoulders for most of the show, I was only 10 and couldn't see much!
My Mom always used to tell me how I used to sing and know all the words to Bon Jovi especially from my brother. haha 

Hey I found a youtube video of that! haha cool


My brother had a band called 'RENEGADE' and they used to play at the Bull Dogs Pubs, I loved their cover of Def Leppard's 'All I want is everything' one of my favourite songs. Listening to 'Bringing on the Heartbreak' from Def Leppard now.

I saw the making of 'Rock of Ages' yesterday, the new movie coming out with Tom Cruise and a lot of other famous actors, apparently Tom Cruise does a really good Def Leppard cover. Don't know if I would want to see that though...

Also got hold of Toad the Wet Sprocket - Fall Down the other day, love it!

Who is your favourite old school band?

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