Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Cocktail Of The Week, #1 In A Series

"I'd druther been bit with a snake than pap's whiskey." - Huck Finn
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn  by Mark Twain

A regular reader, the eccentric, but charming Ronnie, requested a new cocktail recipe of me. I am rather a no frills drinker of the standards: Martinis & Manhattans. But, the hot temperatures this week nudge me to come up with a potent potable for simmering weather. I introduce to you, The Copperhead:

• 4oz Rye Whiskey
• 1oz fresh squeezed orange juice
• 1oz fresh squeezed lemon juice
• 2 generous teaspoonfuls of pomegranate simple syrup (from Sonoma Syrup Co., found at Pasta Works on Mississippi Ave.)
• splash of sparkling water
• 1 lemon twist

Place orange & lemon juices, pomegranate simple syrup &, lastly, the Rye in shaker.
Add 2 cubes of ice & shake for a minimum of 10, but no more than 20, seconds.
Pour into a mason jar filled with ice cubes & add lemon twist.

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