Saturday, January 23, 2010

I got Kate Mail.

Here is what went down, Folks: Kate made a hat she's called, "the Zombifier". It's the hat you'll see featured on her blog when you click on this link, go there and subscribe. The orange one. She claims it's unflattering, I completely disagree but that's a talk for another day. So the following conversation happened on facebook:

So anyway, I went to check my mailbox today, since I haven't all week and what do I find?? A PaRCEL from KAtE *squeeeeeeal!* She really did! She reallly reallly made me a new green hat! How I love Kate mail. Once she sent me some of her favourite rooster kitchen wallpaper border that she was thrilled to have when she moved into her new house.

And so tomorrow I will hold up my end of the bargain. Tomorrow I will make a sock monster so grand, you'll claw at your monitors and cry for it. Dreaming of it. Hoping for it. Trying to make one for yourselves but failing miserably!!!!!1!!!1


Aaaand, I'm getting a little delirious. Deep breaths, self. I'm just excited because I'm going out for sushi and a movie in ten minutes and I got Kate mail. *squeeeeaaaaaal!*

Seriously, go to her blog. We go way back to oldskool windows spaces where we ruled the world with Amberbunny, our eyes photoshopped onto mystical creatures and other such geniusery. Too bad you probably missed it.

That reminds me:

To: Kate

From: Michelle.

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