Friday, May 1, 2009

Chilled Monkey Brains. Mmmmm good eatin'.

So. I've been all nominated for a blog award (thanks Brian! Brian hosts, "Thanks for playing at the pond" It's a good one, worth the visit, but don't vote for him. Vote for me.). Of course, I'm up against post secret so basically I'm screwed... but still. The category is 'Blogs about Stuff'. So. Here is a blog about stuff. Doesn't get much more about stuff than this particular blog, so here we go. Some stuff comin' your way. Here it comes, all the stuff you might wanna look at on my blog instead of work and/or do things outside or with your children.

Some of my stuff as of 8:41 am, It's like snooping around my house. Everyone loves that shit:

Neil basically going around fixing whatever I've currently broken. Here he is, installing the range hood microwave that I might have broken. Oh Mr Fixit. Neil knows that I like it when he fixes stuff. Plus if he didn't do this, our house would pretty much fall into shambles.

Neil fixing the hideous arrowhead curtain rod that I pulled down by accident (narrowly escaping dreaded head impalement) when I was taking pictures of the rat-bathing-in-a-urinal picture. Later today, Neil will be going to have the glass on his iphone fixed. *cough*

The rat-bathing-a-public-urinal picture painted by some french guy which is tastefully hung above my bathroom terlet.

The brownies. Spiked with love.

The crap that I was supposed to have mailed to my brother by now. Happy Birthday, Lee! This is your stuff here on the other side of the country. Just imagine how exciting it would be if I had mailed it by now! Picture yourself with your month old birthday gift and all the glee you'd feel if I'd mailed it!

A romantic photo of Neil and I.

The place where I spotted my neighbor the other day. *shhhh*

The front of my reFridge-ifier

The ancient vacuum cleaner of staggering rigor.

My stuff-to-do board thingy. Those apple-men ward off evil from the basement.

The rusty tin bison.

Apocolyptic faceless chalk bunnies.

The signed-in-person by BB King Guitar. Oh I have been DYING for an excuse to brag about this little item. Neil says it's his. As if. You're jealous. It's okay.

The living room as it stands 10 minutes ago. In ten more minutes it will be in shreds.

There. So vote if you love me. It isn't hard. If I win, I'll shave the cat and take it for a walk in public, then blog about it. How's THAT for incentive?

---->VOTE HERE<---

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