Saturday, October 15, 2011

The raisins are fizzing. This is a nightmare. And a song.

I know that you are all pretty concerned with the state of my raisin experiment.  I just want you to know that they are in fact fizzing; and fizzing two days early to boot.  So now what do I do?  The lady who doesn't speak English on the youtube didn't specify what to do if you were TOO successful.  My timeline is all whacked now.   So I made an executive decision about these raisins and I strained them.  Now the gassy raisin juice has to further deteriorate for another week until the day I make them into real and true raisin yeast and ideally... bread.  For Neil ( didn't actually ask for this).  Why am I doing this again?  Oh yeah, stir crazy science love.  Now it's gotten out of control. 

They Fizzed.

Strained fizzy raisins. 
Strained fizzy raisins in the trash... because yuck.  I just needed their yeasty hooch water.  (No really, this is going to be awesome.)

I blame the colossal success all on the song I that have been singing to them, which is "Fizzy Raisins" to the tune of "Tiny Bubbles".  I'm not going to say that I'm proud of this, I'm just going to say that I couldn't help it.   The youtube lady said to love your raisins, probably. The translator in the video said she said that... so...   I'm sure fermenting raisins enjoy being sung to about hooch even more than being talked to. It's like the gospel for them.  They will one day be hooch yeast water, almost like beer.  Wouldn't you like that if you were a raisin with a higher calling such as these fermenting raisins? Don't answer that or leave yet.  I'm not finished talking to you about this. 

Anyhow, what this means is that I'm going to have to figure out how to make bread with natural yeast two days ahead of schedule.  This doesn't actually mess with anything, because I'm not actually ON a schedule... but if I was- things would be all kinds of messed up.  *sips hard cider*.  I'm adaptable though.

The raisin saga is nearly over.  I promise.  Soon I'll have a new hobby-for-a-week.

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