Friday, October 7, 2011

Born In This Day- October 7th... Daniel Keenan Savage

I used to see him around town when we were both doing theatre is Seattle. He had help start Greek Active, a theatre troupe dedicated to queering up the classics. I, on the other hand, was chasing mainstream success in theatre, film, TV & advertising with my eye on fame. Notice who became famous?

Photo by Christopher Staton

Dan Savage was making waves, in Seattle, for his experimental theatre, drag persona- Helvetica Bold, & for his outrageous column in a new weekly paper- The Stranger. That column starter was the salutation- Hey, Faggot

Activist, writer, editor, pundit, journalist, sex columnist, joker, provocateur, best selling, award winning author, contrarian, Dan Savage is just my cup of tea with a propensity to prepossessing & point-blank presumptions, along with reedy, horsey good looks & nimble humor.

This could only have happened in the new century. After Santorum, then a United States senator from Pennsylvania, made comments to a reporter comparing homosexual sex to bestiality & incest in 2003, Savage assailed Santorum in his column. Later, he sponsored a contest that led to the term santorum being used to refer to "the frothy mixture of lube & fecal matter that is sometimes a byproduct of anal sex". There is nothing as gladdening as the intertwining a goody-goody puritan & a dashingly droll dirty joke.

He is a hero to me for having created the hugely successful It Gets Better viral video campaign aimed at stopping gay teens from killing themselves, since it seemed like no one else was doing anything about it. It may have actually saved lives that might have been ended had they taken to the heart the rhetoric of someone like his nemesis Rick Santorum. Has Santorum actually saved any lives?

Savage & his husband, Terry Miller, have one adopted son- D.J The couple were married in Vancouver, BC in 2005, the same year & city that The Husband & I got hitched. Savage celebrates his 47th birthday today.

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