Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Jenna Fischer is expecting a boy!

Lee Kirk and Jenna Fischer  at the premiere of A Little Help in Culver City, California, July 14th
Tuesday night in The Tonight Show Jenna Fischer gave host Jay Leno a scoop. Jay asked, how thrilled her parents are to be welcoming their first grandchild. Jenna replied with, "this is the second grandchild, but first grandson." Of course, Jay jumped on that son part and the The Office star confirmed that she and husband Lee Kirk are pregnant with a boy. She said, "this is the exclusive Jay. When I went to my movie premiere the other day a reporter asked if I knew what I was having, and I said I do, but I'm not sharing that yet because I'm [going to] have Jay be the first to know."

Come the eigth season of The Office Jenna's character Pam will also be pregnant. The writers of the show decided to incorporate Jenna's pregnancy into the hit series. About the upcoming season Jenna told New York Magazine that, "Pam will be pregnant when the season starts. Pam and Jim snuck away last season on Valentine's Day, and they had sex. The story is that they conceived this baby at that time and were keeping it a secret until we come back from the summer." She continued, "when we started shooting that episode, I thought to myself, 'If everything goes well, this is going to be a very, very convenient coincidence,' and I think I found out I was pregnant when we were shooting that episode."

Jenna, who now stars in the movie A Little Help, announced her pregnancy in May. Her son is due in the fall, she said "September we’re in what they call the home stretch."

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