Monday, July 18, 2011

Cheryl Cole is moving on

Ashley and Cheryl Cole at Cheryl's birthday party.
"I'm done. Delete my number." That's what Cheryl Cole told ex-husband Ashley, according to the Daily Mail. A couple of days ago, news broke that days before Cheryl and Ashley reunited at Cheryl's 28th birthday party, Ashley had slept with an American flight attendant. Apparently Cheryl now has really had her fill and is ready to say goodbye for good to her cheating ex-husband.

Friends of Cheryl tell the Daily Mail, "Once again Ashley appears to have outdone himself. Just as Chery's getting back on track and working really hard on her music he does this. She is humiliated." They also say that, "Ashley had organised a family gathering, a barbecue, for when he got back from pre-season training in the Far East. This has been scrapped. Cheryl told him on the phone yesterday that clearly Ashley isn't yet ready to be a committed family man." However, they also commented that "in his defense, they weren't officially back together when he had this fling, so technically they were free agents then."

Cheryl has also found a great way to deal with her disappointment: she bought an apartment in Hollywood. Even better, she has bought an apartment overlooking the famous 'Avenue of the Stars'.

Cheryl's new Hollywood apartment building
Her new humble aboad boasts two bedrooms, three luxury bathrooms, a home cinema, and an outdoor swimming pool. Her new 'home sweet home' has cost her $5,05,000/£ 3 million/€ 3,42 million. Furthermore, her new apartment building used to be a five star hotel - I wonder if they still have room service.

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